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A New Hogwarts Site

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A New Hogwarts Site Empty A New Hogwarts Site

Post  Elizabeth_Potter Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:54 pm

Ok, those that you know Hogwarts.foromotion.net big boss Helen has not been on the site since April 19. I do not know what happened to her since she sounded like she dispeared from the site and has not been taking care of it. I had e-mail her a few times but she has never replay me yet.

But I'm proud to tell you that there is a new site called hogwartsmagicschool.darkbb.com
if you just follow or copy the link. Aminia (Black) Weasley made the site. Raine and I are helping her.

It looks like no one has been really active since Helen left her site in the hands of no one watching it everyday. If you want to join this new site just follow or copy the link. You are more welcome to join Hogwarts Magic School.

From Elizabeth Roberts (Elizabeth_Potter)


Please invite your friends or family members to join the new site.

Thank you very much for reading...
Divination professore, Gryffindor student

Posts : 724
Join date : 2008-04-06
Age : 33
Location : London, England

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